Admin Finance

Building Community Capital by Networking Like a Maniac!

Event date: 11/16/2024 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM Export event

Our business thrives when we are known, respected, and recognized as a valuable resource within our communities. Building community capital is much more than service quality assurance. David Stein will share his expertise on how BSCs can become further integrated not only in their communities but also within their cities and across counties and states in order for them to achieve even higher levels of success with their business. David holds leadership positions in four main community areas: business, nonprofit, politics and faith, but it didn't start that way. He knows it takes time to build your community "street cred," and he is here to teach you how to do it so you and your organization achieve top-of-mind marketing when the subject of quality results comes up. Learn the steps taken to get there and come away with specific strategies and tactics you can execute on Monday following the conference.